On Wed, 26 Dec 2012 14:22:53 -0800 (PST), Killer
> Frum is a left-wing idiot with no expertise in anything.
David Frum is a lifelong, card-carrying conservative. Was a White
House speech writer.
Of course, to you fundamentalist wackos, Ronald Reagan was a
If he doesn't own at least a dozen guns, believe everything he's told
on Fox News and listen to Rush all day instead of holding down a job,
he's a despicable America hating leftist.
Oh isnt that cute? A funny made by a Leftwinger named Killer
The irony and humor in the above is hysterical!!
The methodology of the left has always been:
1. Lie
2. Repeat the lie as many times as possible
3. Have as many people repeat the lie as often as possible
4. Eventually, the uninformed believe the lie
5. The lie will then be made into some form oflaw
6. Then everyone must conform to the lie